Changing lives one student at a time

14 year old boy
"Thank you for tutoring our grandson. He improved significantly in his math and reading skills. I am very impressed with the improvement in his auditory processing. I think this will set him up for a successful first year of high school. Your teaching skills are superb. The way you respect the student and bring the most out of them is outstanding. The student is put in comfortable surroundings that allow them to achieve their fullest potential."
10 year old girl
"So incredibly proud of my eldest daughter! She was named Student of the Year at her graduation from 5th grade today. I literally cried! All of her hard work this past year, catching up and excelling has been seen and recognized! Go Girl! Nothing can stand in your way! "
15 year old boy
"Thank you for bringing hope to my family. My 15 year old son has struggled since kindergarten with school. When we received his first report card after working with Abba's Child, we were absolutely on cloud 9: he had gotten 3 A+, 1 A, & 2 B's! For the first time in 11 years, school is not a nightmare and I haven't heard the words "I'm stupid" once since the year began.
"My son has become confident in his learning abilities, which for a child who has ALWAYS struggled this is in its self, a miracle! I have tried everything to help my son overcome his difficulties in school and spent countless hours helping him and watching him struggle and berate himself. As a parent I felt lost and guilty for not being able to help my son. When he hurt so did I."
"I thank God for making a program like this available for kids who struggle with many issues that are often mislabeled as ADD or ADHD, when in fact they are not processing the information they are given. Words are not enough to express my gratitude to Roberto & Judith for caring enough to bring this to our children."
13 year old girl
“My daughter has been labeled ‘learning disabled.’ Abba's Child Learning Center has brought joy to her eyes and confidence to her schooling. Five months ago it was nearly impossible to get her to read anything. Now, I sit in the next room listening to her read chapter books with expression and no stumbling with words. I can hardly believe the progress she has made in such a short time.”
11 year old boy
“Our son’s emotional outbursts have drastically reduced and his reading levels at school have really improved.”
13 year old boy
“I can’t thank you enough for all your help with my son. You have really changed his life. What a great feeling to be successful at school. You are awesome!”
19 year old boy
“My grandson makes eye contact with me when we talk together and I can understand his speech now!”
12 year old boy
“I started Integrated Listening Systems in 6th grade. It used to be that I would have to take all the information off the board, because I couldn’t follow what my teacher would say. Now I can understand her and I don’t have to wait to see it written on the board.”
8 year old girl
“I speak with my niece on the phone every week, and after she had been in the Integrated Listening Systems program for about 2 months, I noticed that her speech was much more intelligible and we could now actually have a conversation.”
8 year old girl
“When my daughter was in 2nd grade she struggled in reading, comprehension, and math. She would get frustrated a lot. Her self-esteem and confidence began to decrease. She wasn’t doing well at all. She really worried about moving on to 3rd grade. Her father and I, along with her teacher felt that repeating 2nd grade would be of great benefit for her along with the help of the Abba’s Child Learning Center program to help bring her grades up. In a little more than half a year’s time her grades went up 2 grade levels. Her confidence and self-esteem just flourished. She began to get excited about school and about learning. She was reading and comprehending and was able to apply what she read. And her math is improving as well. She continues to do well and is so much more confident within herself.”
15 year old girl
“Integrated Listening Systems has changed my life. Socially, I can converse more easily. Now I can go to the mall with my friends without anxiety! At school, when we have group learning, I interact now. It used to be that I would just ‘shut down’ because I couldn’t understand. Now I feel normal and can do the activities. I am so much happier. I got my colors back!”
13 year old boy
“My grandson has been a bed wetter for 10 years. After completing about 1 month of Integrated Listening Systems, he stopped wetting the bed! This had been our first priority goal, and I am thankful that we achieved it!”
8 year old boy
“Through Abba’s Child program my son was able to work one on one with their instructors until he was able to develop his own discipline to stay on task. As if that wasn’t a miracle enough, about 2 weeks after beginning the program he went from shakily and nervously riding his bike to stunt rider - a giant leap that I attribute to connections in his brain being established that reflected in his coordination. Of course his academics, specifically comprehension and coordination in hand writing, flourished but what amazed me most was the program’s effects in areas I normally would never have associated with his learning difficulties. After being in Abba’s Child for a couple of months I noticed his memory improving and his ability to remember multiple instructions improving. The most important improvements to me were in his view of himself. You see Abba’s Child is not just about helping your child succeed in academics but also, through genuine interest in my child’s success as a whole person, he left the program convinced that they believed in him and therefore he believed in himself.”
8 year old boy with autism
“I was introduced to Abba’s Child through the Leadership Redding Program. I have a son with Autism so I am well aware of the different methods that are effective to stimulate brain development. My goals for my son in this program are to be happy at school and feel empowered to fulfill the obligations of class work and home work. My son has taken part in the program for the past 12 weeks and I have seen great improvement in completing homework without protest, excitement for school, and retention and recovery of information. He has an aide in the classroom and it is becoming more apparent that he is ready for more independence. My heart is full with the accomplishments he has made so far, and we haven’t completed the program. Thank you, Abba’s Child, for caring for those children and giving hope to parents to be successful with their education.”
13 year old girl
“Student Study Team meetings acknowledged my daughter’s troubles and identified how her learning challenges were manifesting, but her difficulties continued, as no one could really identify WHY she was struggling so! She was bright, enthusiastic, outgoing, but some were convinced she was lazy, daydreaming, or just not trying hard enough."
"We tried a national tutoring chain, which helped a tiny bit, but still, any progress she was making at the tutoring center was not transferring to daily academic application. My daughter did get one-to-one (aide) help frequently during class time; we tried different reading remediation ‘programs’ at school, but progress was sketchy at best. Her grades were barely passing, but it was only with extraordinary effort on her part, and extreme assistance during homework at home."
"After we had used literally every resource available in Redding at that time, I saw the ad for Abba’s Child Learning Center. My daughter was assessed, and for the first time ever (this was 5th grade) her auditory processing ability was assessed, along with many other pieces. At 11 years old, she was testing out with a 7-year-old child’s capabilities in that processing mode. This was shocking and revealing! We’ve also since learned that she manifested classic signs of dyslexia. After working with the program for approximately 8 months, her auditory processing ability tested at her appropriate age. Additionally, her other scores rose significantly, as did her grades at school, AND her confidence level in her own capabilities!"
"Sixth grade went tremendously better; homework was not a nightmare every night! And, in seventh my daughter made the Honor Roll for the first time ever, and was thrilled to have earned her place participating in the Honor Roll Trip that the teachers treat the students to!”
2010 - present
2010 - present